WP Contacts Translation using the included .pot file
The following information will show you how to translate the plugin into your language.
- Create a po file for your language, for example shwcp-de_DE.po
- Copy all text from provided plugin pot file (shwcp.pot) into your po file
- Edit the po file with poedit http://www.poedit.net/
- Create the mo file
- Name your translation files with WP Contacts text domain e.g. shwcp-de_DE.po and shwcp-de_DE.mo and save in the plugin lang directory.
- Edit wp-config.php file in your installation and set WPLANG so it matches your languages: define(‘WPLANG’, ‘de_DE’);
or if WordPress version 4+ just select your language in Admin under Settings -> General -> Site Language.
Plugin should now display all messages in your language.
On a plugin update, language files are NOT preserved.
You will need to manually restore your po/mo files right after the update.