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WP Amortization Advanced Overrides

Posted on:September 23, 2022 at 04:24 PM

It is now possible and quite easy to override the main back-end settings per calculator that you have.  So, basically what this means is that you can have multiple amortization calculators on a page (or throughout your site) that all have different settings.

For example, you could have one using US Dollars, and one set for Euros with different different money formats as well.  Actually, all of the settings can be overridden per calculator that you create on page. 

Below are a list of options for the shortcode, widget, Elementor and Visual Composer version of the calculator.  Items that are not set will default to what you have in your Back end settings.

Table of Contents

Open Table of Contents

Calculator Settings

Email & PDF Settings


Below is an example calculator shortcode with some overrides set

[shmac_calc_sc primarycolor=”#2196f3extraclass=someclasscurrencyformat=2currencysymbol=”£” currencyside=rightcalcsubmit=Submitcalcreset=forget itcalctitle=The Ultimate Amortization Calculatoremailtext=Would you like to receive a PDF copy?emaillabel=Set your emailamountlabel=How Much?amountinfo=The total cost of purchasing the property.” defaultpurchase=200.000,00interestlabel=Interest use percentagesinterestinfo=The interest rate you would like for this propertydefaultinterest=4.35downpaylabel=Down Payment Percentdownpayinfo=Add your down payment you expect to putdefaultdown=5.23termlabel=Length of paymentsterminfo=The length of the mortgage until it is paid in fulldefaultterm=22enableinsurance=nofromemail=test@example.combccemail=hidden@example.comemailsubject=Your calculator resultsemailcontent=Hi, this is an email message with some line breaks in it
 Be sure to contact us with any questions!
 Thank You!allowemail=yes”]

Above is the shortcode implementation, with Visual Composer everything is a selection if you choose to override the main settings.  The Visual Composer element is named Amortization Calculator and is listed under the ScriptHat Elements

You can also use the Elementor widget for the Amortization Calculator as well. Elementor has some nice effects that you can add to each calculator as well. Here is where you can find our calculator in Elementor…

You can also add any of the overrides just like the shortcode in Elementor as well. Here’s an example of a title override below (calctitle=”My Calculator”).